Lumbar Spine Injury – Classic Intervertebral Disc Injuries and Degenerative Disc Disease. Accurate medical-legal chart depicting a variety of intervertebral disc injuries. Insets: 1. Normal Anatomy from a superior view; 2. Disc degeneration causing the annulus fibrosis to break down; 3. Disc bulge with nucleus pulposus pushing the disc posteriorly; and 4. Disc herniation with complete tearing of the annulus allowing the nucleus pulposus to ooze out and put pressure on the spinal cord and nerve root.
Written by rehab_admin
We, the Rehab Experts are licensed and well-trained rehabilitation professionals comprising of medical doctors and physical therapist or physiotherapist who are here to help you overcome your physical disabilities at the comfort of your very home. We have more than 10 years of professional experience and training here and abroad to provide you with the best care possible.