Arnil Amorte
I am Arnil Amorte, a seaman. I was about to return to my work when through some bad twist of fate I met an accident. I was ran over by a delivery truck of a particular hardware store in our place. My left thigh down was crushed. I had surgery at the UST Hospital. And when I was discharged, I was referred by my friend to Mr. Roland Villas, who was a competent physical therapist. Through the help of Sir Roland I was able to bend once more my thigh and my knee once more. Whenever we meet he tells me he is happy with what we have achieved and I am his benchmark when it comes to recovered patients from other established clinics. At first I was not able to understand his remarks until I had my follow up check-up with my orthopaedic surgeon. There I saw the other patients who began therapy much earlier than me, and saw for myself how far and how better I was especially with regard to bending. The X ray results came out and my doctor was very happy with the growth of my new bones. It was at that point I understood the earlier remarks of Sir Roland. He always assesses me and gives me exercise programs designed to improve my condition. Now I can walk well and Sir Roland has my full trust and confidence.
Marine Engineer